
Learning Circle Assignment: CCE1
This is my students'.  It's our first experience in this amazing and educative project. 

+ Mark Sherbow ----- Ashland, Oregon, United States
Anna Alekseeva ----- Voronezh, Russia
Najwa Chalabi ----- Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Dian Hidayati ----- Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
Chris Hockert ----- Hixson, Tennessee, United States
Gamze Karabiyik ----- Ankara, Turkey
Stephanie Ladbrooke ----- Stourbridge, West Midlands, United Kingdom
Popa Loredana ----- Botosani, Romania
Elena Nikitina ----- Voronezh, Russia
Olga Vladimirovna Zdanovskaya ----- Svisloch, Grodno Region, Belarus

melowmark1959@gmail.com (Mark Sherbow)
annaalekseeva82@mail.ru (Anna Alekseeva)
najwa.chalabi@tcdsb.org (Najwa Chalabi)
dian_hida@yahoo.co.id (Dian Hidayati)
chockert@comcast.net (Chris Hockert)
gamzekrbyk@gmail.com (Gamze Karabiyik)
sladbrooke@pedmore.dudley.sch.uk (Stephanie Ladbrooke)
learnbuzz@gmail.com  (Stephanie Ladbrooke)
loreuab@yahoo.com (Popa Loredana)
909456@gmail.com (Elena Nikitina)
zdanovskaya@tut.by (Olga Vladimirovna Zdanovskaya)

History of Pedmore School
by Olivia Hayward

Hi, I’m Olivia a student at Pedmore C of E Primary School. We’re proud to tell anybody our school has been standing strong for hundreds of years. Pedmore is a small village but even the corner shop has a long history. In the eighteenth century in England there were different kinds of school including: a Sunday school linked to the church, a ‘ragged’ school, Charity school, Dame school, Grammar school and a Public school.

There was no uniform: back then boys used to wear shirts, shorts and flat caps and girls wore dresses, very long dresses. Classrooms weren’t that pleasant, the windows were high so as not to distract the children. The classrooms were dimly lit and cold especially in the winter. There were fires but they were not nearly enough to warm an entire classroom. Sometimes, mostly with the little ones, children would sit crying all day long.

The education was not at a very high standard, only four subjects were taught, very poorly,  these are the subjects, to Read, Write, Add up and Religious Studies (R.E). Every morning the children would enter through different entrances one for girls one for boys. The school was built on the Parish Gardens. We also have a field! Over the school year we have had an extension but we have had many over the life time of the school.

In Pedmore farming was the main employment so in Pedmore you will tend to find fields of all shapes and sizes. People were quite poor and some still are today but overall we’re lots better off.

I hoped this has given you a rough idea about Pedmore, it is a lovely town and school!

Pedmore CofE School today
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Romania is a country located in south-eastern Central Europe, on the Lower Danube, north of the Balkan peninsula and the northwestern coast of the Black Sea. [4] on the territory of the whole surface is located near the Danube Delta and the southern and central Carpathian Mountains. It borders Bulgaria to the south, Serbia to the southwest, Hungary to the north-west, north and east Ukraine and Moldova to the east and the Black Sea coast is the south-east.
Throughout history, different portions of the territory of today's Romania were in or under the administration of Dacia, the Roman Empire, Ottoman Empire, Russian Empire or the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
Romania became a sovereign state in 1859 through the union of Moldova and the Romanian Country led by Alexandru Ioan Cuza and was recognized as an independent country 19 years later. In 1918, Transylvania, Bukovina and Bessarabia and Romania have joined to form Romania Mare or interwar Romania, which had maximum territorial expansion in the history of Romania (295,641 km2).
On the eve of the Second World War (1940), Romania Mare (whole), under pressure from Germany led by Hitler and Nazi collaboration led by the pro-Gigurtu, ceased to exist by the cession of the territory of Hungary (northern Transylvania) Bulgaria (Quadrilateral) and the Soviet Union (Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina Herta). After the abolition of Antonescu's regime on 23 August 1944 and the return of weapons against the Axis Powers, Romania joined the Allied Powers (Britain, U.S., France and the Soviet Union) and recovered northern Transylvania, which is completed by the Paris Peace Treaty signed in February 10, 1947.
In the fall of the communist regime and remove installed in Romania (1989), the country initiated a series of economic and political reforms. After a decade of economic problems, Romania introduced new general economic reforms (such as the flat tax in 2005) and joined the EU on 1 January 2007.
Romania is a semi-presidential republic. It is the ninth largest territory (238 391 km ²) and the seventh after the population (over 22 million inhabitants) [5] of the Member States of the European Union. The capital, Bucharest, is the largest city and sixth of her city in the EU population (1.9 million). In 2007, Sibiu was elected European Capital of Culture [6]. Romania is a member of international organizations: UN 1955, CE 1993, the European Union from 1 January 2007 of 29 March 2004 NATO, OSCE, OIF 2003, the Latin Union in 1980 and economic institutions: the World Bank Group, IMF 1972, the EBRD in 1991, OECD.
             The capital of Romania is Bucharest
Bucharest is Romania's capital and at the same time, the largest city, industrial and commercial center of the country. Population of 1,944,367 inhabitants (est. January 1, 2009 [4]) is that Bucharest is the sixth city in population in the European Union. In fact, however, Bucharest gathered daily over three million people, and experts predict that over the next five years, the total will exceed four million. Add to this the fact that villages around the city, which will be part of future metropolitan area population totals approximately 430,000 inhabitants.
The first mention of the village is in 1459. In 1862 became the capital of Romania. Since then undergoes constant change, being center stage artistic, cultural and media. Between the two world wars, elegant architecture and elite Bucharest brought him the nickname "Little Paris". Currently, the capital has the same administrative level as a county and is divided into six sectors.
Bucharest City photographed from a helicopter                                                               

The project was created by 5th grade A, Edy

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Earth’s Caretakers – Botosani, Romania
Our school has got the green flag (twice)
WE, THE PUPILS OF 5C have decided there is too much garbage and not enough recycling. Over time, this is how we have contributed:
- helped create a park- the idea belongs to our primary school teacher, who has been the heart and soul of the Eco actions in our school.

- helped create a mini-greenhouse using PETs

-performed a play entitled “Animal meeting” – written by our primary school teacher, in which the animals were judging people for their mistakes against nature.
 - distributed flyers
But we still don’t recycle enough.
Polar bears and global warming – 5 A
We heard about how pollution and climate changes are affecting polar bear population, so we decided to do something. We saw the webcast our english teacher attended, organised by Polar Bear International and transmitted from Churchill, Manitoba.
You can see it too -  here.
We saw the video about polar bears and the lyrics made us realise how sad the whole situation is. So we have decided to recycle MOOOORE AND SAVE ENERGY!!!
See if this song moves you too

St. Kevin Catholic School 
(elementary--Junior Kindergarten to Grade 8)

Total enrolment
Michael MacInally
Tel: 416-393-5300 Fax: 416-393-5268
Lori DiMarco
Tel: 416-222-8282 ext. 2267
Precious Blood
1737 Lawrence Avenue East
Scarborough, Ontario M1R 2X7

Local Trustee
John Del Grande
Tel: 416-512-3407; Fax: 416-512-3407
e-mail: john.delgrande@tcdsb.org
CSAC Chair
Lucy Visconti
Voice Mailbox #88300
For information, please call 416-229-5313

History & Tradition

Our school is named after St. Kevin, who is one of the principal patrons of Dublin, Ireland. He lived during the 6th century and founded the celebrated abbey of Glendalough, which became one of the four main pilgrimage places of Ireland. Seven visits to Glendalough are equivalent to one pilgrimage to Rome.
This quatrain describes St. Kevin: “A soldier of Christ into the land of Ireland, a high name over the sea's wave; Coemgen the pure, bright warrior, in the glen of the two broad lakes.”
St. Kevin is said to have died at the age of 120. His feast is celebrated throughout Ireland on June 3. The St. Kevin Catholic School community attempts to do honour to this great saint in its Catholic teaching and in all school and community activities. We are committed to our tradition of excellence in education from junior kindergarten to grade 8.
St. Kevin first opened in 1964 with an enrollment of 518 students.

How We Meet the Diverse Needs of Our Students

At St. Kevin's Catholic School we attempt to meet the individual needs of all of our students. Our children are educated to their full potential in an environment that is Catholic, safe and welcoming.
The Catholic presence is evident as one walks through our doors. The greetings received and the immediate presence of the altar is reflective of our faith in education. Each classroom contains a prayer corner for both individual and class prayer. Whole school masses are prepared by each division on a rotating basis. Our teachers work closely with our boys and girls to prepare them for our many religious activities. The children are active participants in teachings, intentions and responses.
Our children “share in the spirit” of our school. They are fully aware of their rights but also understand their responsibilities.
Their school experience is a positive one. Our teachers recognize the children's strengths and also their weaknesses. They foster in them respect for each other and for themselves. School is a place where they are loved and nurtured from the moment they walk through the doors.
All staff recognize the value of each individual child. The sense of a community as “family” is almost tangible.
Furthermore, our staff involves itself in updating themselves in areas such as technology and computer literacy. They, too, are lifelong learners.
Their full participation in school life is key in creating an energetic school culture and in ensuring excellence in education. Beyond the academics, our teachers are extremely active in all aspects of school life from house leagues to mathematics and reading representatives and to being role models for your children, our children.
Consequently, our students are offered a well-balanced curriculum which exposes them to a myriad of activities and experiences. It is exactly these opportunities that will serve them well for an entire lifetime.

School News

School Calendar 2011-2012

Christmas Break (inclusive)
December 26, 2011-January 6, 2012
Family Day
February 20, 2012
Mid-Winter Break (inclusive)
March 12-16, 2012
Good Friday
April 6, 2012
Easter Monday
April 9, 2012
Victoria Day
May 21, 2012
Last Day of Classes, Elementary
June 28,2012

Professional Activity Days 2011-2012


  • November 18, 2011
  • December 9, 2011
  • January 27, 201
  • February 17, 2012
  • June 1, 2012
  • June 29, 2012

My school is the gymnazium №1 named after K. Kalinovski

1562г. - была основана первая в Свислочи школа при кальвинистском сборе,
1668г. – открыта начальная парафиальная (приходская) школа при католическом костёле,
15 октября 1805г. – состоялось торжественное открытие Гродненской губернской гимназии  в местечке Свислочь.
      1876г. – основана русская учительская семинария,
1916-1918г.г. – в оккупированной немцами Свислочи работала белорусская учительская семинария,
1921-1924г.г – пропанда – школа по подготовке к поступлению в учительскую семинарию
1924-1935г.г. – польская учительская семинария
1935-1939г.г – гимназия им.Р.Траугута
1944-1987 – Свислочская средняя школа
1987-2005 – средняя школа №1 им.К.Калиновского
01.06.2005 – решением Свислочского райисполкома  СШ №1 им К.Калиновского реорганизована в УО «Гимназия №1 им. К.Калиновского г.Свислочь»Гимназия N1 имени К.Калиновского

  • Работая под девизом: «К солнцу! К знаниям! К победам!», и  решая задачу совершенствования интеллектуального и духовного потенциала гимназистов, мы совершенствуем систему работы, успех которой в первую очередь зависит от педагогического коллектива учреждения. В гимназии работает 48 педагогических работников. 87,5% имеют высшее образование, 71% - педагоги высшей и первой категории, это свидетельствует о том, что образовательный процесс в гимназии осуществляет стабильный квалифицированный опытный коллектив, способный решать задачи, поставленные перед УО в ходе реформы по повышению качества образования.
    В соответствии со статьями 33 и 35 Закона Республики Беларусь «Об общем среднем образовании» в гимназии организовано дополнительное образование, которое предоставляет каждому ученику возможность свободного выбора образовательной области, профиля программ, времени их освоения с учетом индивидуальных способностей. В учреждении существуют разнообразные формы дополнительного образования. Круглогодичная подготовка учащихся к олимпиадам, углубление знаний по предметам, исследовательская деятельность осуществляется на индивидуальных занятиях, при обучении в малых группах, при работе по индивидуальным образовательным маршрутам. Организована деятельность олимпиадных групп. Довузовская подготовка старшеклассников проводится преподавателями Гродненского медицинского университета и Гродненского Государственного университета имени Я.Купалы.
    Гимназия N1 - это учебное заведение для детей с повышенной мотивацией к учению.
    Отбор наиболее способных и подготовленных детей производится по правилам, определенным Уставом гимназии, с 5 по 12 класс.
    Учебный план гимназии соответствует государственному стандарту, гимназический компонент стимулирует активность учеников к овладению приемами учения, формирует устойчивые навыки умственного труда, осознанное владение интеллектуальными умениями.
    Задачи гимназии:
    • выявление наиболее способных и одаренных детей;
    • создание условий для развития индивидуальных способностей каждой личности;
    • формирование способностей к самообразованию и самообучению;
    • подготовка гимназистов к получению высшего образования, к творческому труду в различных сферах научной и практической деятельности.
    Решение этих задач определяет специфику гимназического образования и создания определенных условий:
    1. повышенный уровень содержания образования;
    2. применение нетрадиционных форм, методов обучения и контроля знаний;
    3. качество методического обеспечения;
    4. особенности управления гимназией и образовательным процессом;
    5. обеспечение высокопрофессиональными кадрами.
    Основные принципы образования:
    1. учет личностных качеств обучающегося в процессе обучения;
    2. направленность на развитие интеллекта, творческих способностей и физического совершенствования;
    3. высокий уровень преподавания.

  • Из стен этой гимназии вышли К.Калиновский, Р.Траугутт, И.Ковалевский, В.Гельтман, Наполеон Орда, О.Горский, Ю.Крашевский и многие другие, чьи имена вошли в Большую энциклопедию.

     Уцелевший корпус старинной Свислочской гимназии, построенный в 1827 г. в ампирстиле.
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